
FAQ: Responsive Websites?

A website that is “responsive” automatically adjusts to the browser resolution for the device being used to see your website. To simplify how this works, view our site on different devices such as your tablet or smartphone. You’ll notice on your device, the resolution is reduced in comparison to what you would see on your computer screen if you were logged onto your pc at home.

*To demonstrate responsiveness on your home personal computer, hold shift while using your mouse wheel to scroll up and down to see how our website automatically adjusts. Another way you can demonstrate this is by holding shift and pressing the + or keys to zoom forward or back.

Why responsive builds are good for business online:

        Gives your site a professional appearance on all web based devices.
        Your visitors no longer slide left or right on their smartphones or tablets to see your messages.
        It’s unique, safe, and can save you a lot of costs in the long run.
        Smooth, and fluid site navigation

Read more about responsive web builds here